What’s This Course About?
Managed Migration is the DWP’s name for the process of making people who get legacy benefits move onto Universal Credit.
If you move onto UC through managed migration and it turns out that you are entitled to less money, your old benefit rate will be protected by allowing you a transitional element.
But while you are getting a transitional element you won’t get any increase in your UC – or rather you will, but the same amount will be knocked off your transitional element in a process known as erosion.
Each 105 minute session will cover:
- The migration processes including deadlines and difficulties.
- Transitional protection.
- Maximizing your legacy benefits – ensuring that your pre-UC benefits are paid at the full correct level so that you get the right rate of transitional protection when you are migrated.
- How you might lose your transitional protection and how it will be eroded over time
Dates and Booking:
This free training will take place on 29 August 2024 13:00 – 14:45
Email me to book your place. mike@mikebolton.co.uk
It is video training, so you must be able/willing to have your video on.
If this won’t work for you, get in touch and I will be able to provide you with other resources to learn about migration